Vegan Cart Wins NYC Food Competition

Congratulations to the “Dosa Man,” who operates a Sri Lankan vegan cartstand in Washington Square, for winning the Vendy Awards, a competition among Manhattan cart vendors.

WSJ on Law Schools and the Legal Industry

By Eric Goldman The WSJ recently published a recap of some troubling trends in the legal/law school industries. Among its points: * the legal industry is experiencing a growth slowdown, and many categories of lawyers are experiencing deflation in their…

Blogging, Scholarship and the Bench and Bar Panel Recap

On Monday, we held a panel discussion on campus entitled “Blogging, Scholarship and the Bench and Bar.” Panelists included Paul Butler, Cindy Cohn, Judge Michael Hawkins, Larry Solum and myself, and the conversation was led by Nancy Rogers and Leigh…

Legal Times on Law Professor Blogs

Margaret A. Schilt, Is the Future of Legal Scholarship in the Blogosphere?, Legal Times, August 31, 2007. This is a good recap article on the state of law professor blogging. On a separate matter, check out the Legal Scholarship Blog….

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