Why I’m Teaching Internet Law Online This Fall
[Santa Clara University gave me the option to teach online this semester instead of in the physical classroom, as I had been initially scheduled to do. I sent this note to the enrolled and waitlisted students explaining why I chose…
Remembering Greg Lastowka (1968-2015)
On the same day I lost my mom, I also lost a close colleague: Greg Lastowka, a law professor at Rutgers-Camden Law School. Greg was one of the leading Internet Law scholars in the world, and our paths crossed countless…
Some Good News: I’ll Be On Sabbatical In 2015-16
I’ll be on sabbatical for the entire academic year 2015-16. I’m excited because it comes at a crucial time for me both personally and professionally. I’ll teach my last class at the end of April and then teach again starting…

How My Wife’s Lung Cancer Impacted My Career (LinkedIn Influencer Cross-Post)
My wife was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in January 2014. Obviously, this has been a devastating development for her, but it’s had pretty significant implications for me too. In this post, I’ll explain what my wife’s lung cancer…

What Would You Do If Your Spouse Has Cancer? (LinkedIn Influencer Cross-Post)
Earlier this year, my never-smoking 41-year-old wife was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. As you can imagine, this diagnosis turned our world upside down. Here are five key steps I took shortly after my wife’s diagnosis: 1) Put the…

Lung Cancer Isn’t Just Life-Changing. It’s Community-Changing (LinkedIn Influencer Cross-Post)
Being diagnosed with cancer terrifies all of us. In the best case, a cancer diagnosis involves painful or sickening treatments. In the worst case, a cancer diagnosis is an imminent death sentence. Either way, a cancer diagnosis instantly changes the…

Join Team Lisa at “Your Next Step is the Cure” 5K, San Francisco, Sept. 21
You recall that my wife Lisa has lung cancer. There is a seemingly endless supply of athletic fundraisers for cancer generally and lung cancer specifically, and we appreciate how family and friends have organized “Team Lisa” tributes at several of…
Five Things I’ve Learned About Lung Cancer (LinkedIn Cross-Post)
[This is a cross-post of my first post as a LinkedIn “Influencer.” If you dare, you can read the 140+ comments there, but they are about what you’d expect.] In January, my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. This was as shocking…
Tikkun Olam In Action
In response to my post about Lisa’s lung cancer, we have received hundreds of supportive emails, phone calls, office visits, Facebook comments, retweets and other expressions of support. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to respond to them all. I…

My Wife Has Lung Cancer. Read Her Story
Nothing in life prepared me for the moment when the doctor told me my wife Lisa had lung cancer. We knew something was wrong with her; she had a persistent cough for weeks that the doctors couldn’t fix. But lung…