The Loving Hut, Palo Alto–Forgettable Vegan Fast Food

The Loving Hut, 165 University Ave., Palo Alto, CA 95035. The BAVeg review page. The Yelp page. The Loving Hut is the oddly-named new vegetarian chain of restaurants with locations in Milpitas, San Francisco and Palo Alto. (The name practically…

Bye-Bye Bloglines, Hello Google Reader

I’ve used Bloglines as my RSS reader for almost 4 years. Bloglines has become an essential part of my daily routine. In general, whenever I log into the computer at work, I keep three windows open all the time–my school…

BlogInsure: New Insurance for Bloggers

Bloggers have a new insurance option. The CMLP writeup. This is a huge step in the right direction, and kudos to all involved for spearheading the effort. Even so, I’m hoping that some marketplace competition will help drive down the…

Pesticide Drift and the Coase Theorem

Two farms are next to each other. The brussels sprouts farm uses pesticides; the herb farm is seeking organic certification. When the pesticide is deployed, the wind or fog may blow pesticide onto the herb farm, destroying its organic status….

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