Reflections on My Trip to Romania

When I told people I was going to Romania, I got a range of responses. Some folks questioned why I’d want to go there, implicitly viewing it as a second-tier tourist destination, or expressing concern about my personal safety. Oher…

Bad PR Pitch to Blogger #852, This Time by netTALK

As a long-time blogger, I get pitches from press relations folks all of the time. Many times the pitches are not very well tailored. Instead, it seems like the PR rep gathers up a list of random bloggers’ emails addresses…

Plaintiff’s Claims to Be “Bedridden” and “Vegetative” Rebutted by Facebook Evidence–Cajamarca v. Regal Entertainment

Cajamarca v. Regal Entertainment Group, 2012 WL 3782437 (E.D.N.Y. August 31, 2012) Yet another entry in the running series of litigants getting ensnared by contrary evidence on social media. The underlying case involved a “break room incident.” The plaintiff alleged…

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