“Money Comes in Waves, and Attorneys Ride the Surf”

Mavericks is down, but surf’s up for Silicon Valley attorneys! According to the SJ Mercury News, the boom times are back for local lawyers.

Communicating with Students

The Washington Post runs a story on one of the most vexing problems I face in my administrative capacity–how to communicate programmatic or administrative announcements to students. The article explains that proliferation of communication technologies has reduced the likelihood that…

Gifts for Incoming First Year Law Students

A friend recently asked for gift suggestions to give to a new incoming law student. This request had a certain irony, as those who know me well know that I am completely gift-challenged (and doubly ironic, as another friend had…

Associated Press on Internet Hunting

Yet another recap on the legislative frenzy to stop Internet hunting despite the lack of anyone in the market or wanting to be. I am always fascinated by the shifting basis of what constitutes the essential attributes of “hunting”–the lack…

Spring Break

This last week was Spring Break. Where did my Spring Break go? Three words: FACULTY ACTIVITY REPORT.

Slow Day in the New Mexico Legislature

A New Mexico legislator is proposing a resolution that when “Pluto passes overhead through New Mexico’s excellent night skies, it be declared a planet.” Amazingly, Wired quotes various people praising the resolution rather than scratching their head at legislative priorities….

Bankruptcy Expert System is Practice of Law

In re Reynoso, No. 04-17190 (9th Cir. Feb. 27, 2007) This case holds that an online bankruptcy expert system constitutes the unauthorized practice of law. As usual in these types of cases, every little fact matters. According to the court,…

British Report on Consumer Knowledge about Meat Manufacturing

Consumer Attitudes to Animal Welfare, A Report for Freedom Food by IGD I’ve blogged repeatedly on dichotomous consumer perceptions towards animals, such as consumers freaking out about SaveToby.com even though they would gladly eat Toby if prepackaged in the supermarket….

This Blog Post Is Attorney Advertising

From the Law Blog: More silliness about the artifical lines between “commercial speech” (whatever that means) and editorial content. The NYT recaps law firms’ reactions to the new New York ethics rules requiring firms to label their websites as “attorney…

Merritt on Teaching Evaluations

I’ve previously blogged on problems with student evaluations of teaching. First, I’ve expressed concern about the anonymous nature of the feedback, which means that the evaluators have reduced accountability for what they say. Second, there’s evidence that superficial things like…

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