Sexy Professors are Better Professors (?)

I couldn’t read this report without hearing the 1970s Rod Stewart song in my head: “If you want my body and you think I’m sexy, come on sugar let me know.” I’ve previously blogged on, the role of sexiness…

Teaching the Context of Contract Drafting

At the ABA Annual Meeting, I was on a “train the trainer” panel with Sue Irion, Tina Stark and Charles Fox regarding the teaching of contract drafting. I talked about how to teach the substantive law that underlies contracts. Because…

Getting Scholarship Read and Cited

In January, we had a roundtable at Marquette to discuss the steps we can take to increase readership/awareness of the articles we publish. This blog post summarizes some of our discussions. Traditionally, law professor authors marketed their articles rather passively….

Marquette Drops From 100 to 101 in US News Ranking

There are many reasons why being a Dean must be frustrating. Among other reasons, the Dean is the guardian of the school’s brand, but Deans have little control over brand perceptions in the short run. Instead, brand perceptions are largely…

Travel Schedules of Law Professors

When I was in private practice, I rarely traveled for business. In my eight years as a lawyer, I can recall 5 trips to Dallas (all for the same client), a client trip to San Diego and a few presentations…

New Gig: Santa Clara University School of Law

Starting next academic year, I’ll be an Assistant Professor at Santa Clara University School of Law and the Director of the school’s High Technology Law Institute. In my administrative role, I will provide academic direction and leadership to the school’s…

Social Life of Law Review Articles Editors

I sent out my article to the law reviews a couple of weeks ago. Among other ding emails, I got a ding email from a journal at midnight on Saturday night and a ding email from a different journal at…

“I Need to Get Tenure”

I’ve never actually seen the social science establishing this, but I’ve been told that the single biggest determinant of a student’s evaluation of a professor is the student’s estimate of his/her grade in the class. In practice, this does not…

Tenured Canadian Professor Fired for Posting Comments to

Professors joke about this all the time. We know that our job performance is influenced, in part, by how others perceive our teaching. Websites like help shape these perceptions, but they are very unreliable because they do not confirm…

Some Professors Don’t Like Student Email?

The NYT has a reactionary story today about professor-student email interactions. The subtext of the article is that some professors don’t like some of the emails they get from students: “At colleges and universities nationwide, e-mail has made professors much…

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