How to Pay for Your Law Degree 2008-10

I’m pleased to announce the third edition of How to Pay for Your Law Degree [Amazon Affiliate link], a book of financial aid opportunities for law students published by my mom. I contributed a foreword. This book has gotten better with each edition, providing an increasingly more comprehensive directory of the financial aid programs for law students that she, her co-author and I have discovered over the past 5 years of research.

As I mention in my foreword, this book could help some students afford law school and pursue their career dreams. As a result, I think this is a vitally important resource for current and prospective law students. More practically, it’s a far better use of your time than trying to aggregate this information yourself from the Internet, which invariably involves looking at a lot of redundant but incomplete lists and following many dead links.

The book is available in most law school libraries, so I recommend that you check it out there (and if your library doesn’t have it, ask them to get it!). However, if you want to purchase your own copy, follow the link above. Or, as I’ve said before, the book is a thoughtful and sure-to-be-appreciated gift for prospective law students.