Arctic National Wildlife Refuge/Hulahula River Photos and Videos
I’ve uploaded 216 photos (with explanatory titles) of my trip to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Hulahula River to Kodak Gallery’s website. I haven’t really edited the photos with care, and I hope to showcase a much smaller…
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge/Hulahula River Trip Quick FAQs
I’m back from my 2 week celebratory adventure in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Northeast Alaska. I have a lot to say about this trip, and I will be blogging various observations and photos over the next few weeks…
Law School Proliferation
The legal education industry is facing a potentially significant expansion of supply. As Leigh Jones at the NLJ reports, up to 10 different universities are investigating adding new law schools. Some of the potential new entrants include: * Wilkes University,…
Dina and the Jack-in-the-Box. Oy Vey!
It’s hard for me to grasp just how much toddlers love a Jack-in-the-Box, but this is a genuine scream (of happiness), and watch Dina literally jump out of her seat: If more people gave hugs like this, we might very…
Bay Area Blawgers 3.0 Recap
Last week, we had the third gathering of Bay Area Blawgers at UC Berkeley Law School. Over 2 dozen bloggers and friends convened to discuss topics of interest to legal bloggers [see list of attendees below]. Some photos from the…
Free Classical Music Bonanza–Musopen
Last night I watched the movie The Seven Year Itch for the first time. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but now I can’t stop replaying Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto #2 in my head (the first few notes are played repeatedly in…
Some Personal Good News
I’m pleased to share the good news of my tenure and promotion to associate professor. Some frequently asked questions: 1) You weren’t nervous about the tenure vote, were you? [This question has been posed in a variety of forms, all…
Arthur Best on Student Evaluations
Arthur Best, Student Evaluations of Law Teaching Work Well: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, Southwestern University Law Review, 2008 Another article on the deficiencies of student evaluation forms. A couple of takeaway points: * “data from student evaluation…
UpTake Launches Public Beta
One of my side projects is working with a new travel search website called UpTake, which is coming out in public beta today. There are plenty of travel content websites out there, but UpTake has an important differentiator. It enables…
Writing About Legal Topics for Non-Lawyers
Brandt Goldstein, Lost in translation? Some brief notes on writing about law for the layperson. 52 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 373-385 (2007-08). This article provides an overview of the issues that arising when writing about legal topics for a non-legal…