Bloggers Earning Big Bucks

BusinessWeek estimates the earnings of some top bloggers. Some bloggers are earning surprisingly large amounts of cash from blogging. I can assure you I’m not!

Blogs Help Law Students Get Jobs

The National Law Journal runs a glowing article on how law students have gotten jobs/offers from blogging. This is great to hear, and done properly a blog can turn a law student into a superstar while still in school. But…

Email Interviews with Reporters

This Washington Post article discusses how interview subjects are redefining their relationship with reporters: The humble interview, the linchpin of journalism for centuries, is under assault….[I]n the digital age, some executives and commentators are saying they will respond only by…

Media Relations for Professors

On Monday, SCU had a “thank you” lunch for professors and administrators who had media exposure this year. The formal program included three speakers: Ed Clendaniel, San Jose Mercury News opinion page writer; Dana Nachman, NBC 11 special projects producer;…

Why Blog Readers Drop RSS Feeds

From ProBlogger: “34 Reasons Why People Unsubscribe from RSS feeds: [1] Too many posts (the post levels are too overwhelming) [2] Infrequent Posting (or the blog is effectively dead) [3] Partial Excerpts Feeds [4] Blog Changes Focus (too much off…

Bay Area Blawgers Meetup Recap

IMHO, last night’s gathering of Bay Area Blawgers was a smashing success! The Crowd We had over 45 people show up at the event, exceeding our seating capacity! Typically, a fair number of lawyers who RSVP to an event don’t…

Bay Area Blawgers Roster

I compiled a list of Bay Area Blawgers. I welcome any updates or corrections.

Blog It Forward

A new research study from Yale suggests that outgoing links, even to competitors, builds traffic. The argument goes: outgoing links can help a blog’s readers answer their informational needs, even if the content isn’t originated at the linking blog. Therefore,…

Lawyer Blogging Covered by Malpractice Insurance?

One underwriter (rightly or wrongly) says that lawyer blogging would void its malpractice insurance coverage. I suspect this is one of those early overreactions to theoretical risks by an insurance carrier, and the insurance industry will wise up after a…

Concurring Opinions Guest Blog Posts

I’ve concluded my guest blogging stint at Concurring Opinions. A list of my posts there: * Best and Worst Internet Laws * Suggestions for Conference Organizers * Real Estate Appraisals and Copyrighting Facts * MySpace Sued for Facilitating Offline Sexual…