Prof. Mark Lemley Receives AALS Section on Scholarship Award for Mentoring

Prof. Mark Lemley Receives AALS Section on Scholarship Award for Mentoring

[My remarks from the AALS Section on Scholarship awards ceremony in San Francisco, January 10, 2025] I’m honored and a bit humbled to have served as Prof. Mark Lemley’s lead nominator to recognize his mentorship of other scholars. Nine other…

Why I Blog

Why I Blog

[A friend teaches composition at a community college. She will point her students to various examples of writing, including my blog. I sent her this statement to share with her students:] You asked me: why do I write? As a…

A Tribute to Prof. Don Polden (1948-2024)

A Tribute to Prof. Don Polden (1948-2024)

I’m saddened by the death of my colleague, friend, and former supervisor, Prof. Donald (Don) Polden. Don was the dean that hired me as a tenure-track faculty at Santa Clara Law in 2006. I had been an adjunct instructor at…

Should Tenure Candidates Whitelist or Blocklist External Reviewers?

I was recently asked by a pre-tenure IP colleague if they should enumerate any external reviewers on a whitelist or blocklist of reviewers when they apply for tenure. There is no single answer to this question across all academia. The…

Speaking/Travel Schedule Q2 2024

On deck for Q2. As always, happy to try to arrange a get-together if I’m in your area. April 2-4: speaking about age authentication at the IAPP Global Privacy Summit in Washington DC. Santa Clara Law is hosting a get-together…

In Memoriam: Prof. Dan Burk

In Memoriam: Prof. Dan Burk

I’m devastated to report that UC Irvine Law School professor Dan Burk has died. 💔 His death comes just days before an already-scheduled event to celebrate his life, which will now become an emotionally wrenching memorial. Dan was a brilliant…

When Is the Best Time to Post a Paper Draft to SSRN?

I’ve been asked if authors should post law review article drafts to SSRN before or after a law journal accepts it. This post offers some brief thoughts about the considerations. * * * Note 1: The pre-/post-placement decision may look…

Q1 2024 Travel/Speaking Schedule

My schedule as of today: January 18-21: Eugene, Oregon (family trip) February 2-3: WIPIP at SCU February 9: Celebration of Dan Burk, UC Irvine February 23-24: Trademark Roundtable at UNLV March 2: San Diego (family trip) March 19: USC IP…

IP/Tech Experts Ed Lee and Zahr Said Are Becoming My Santa Clara Law Colleagues!

IP/Tech Experts Ed Lee and Zahr Said Are Becoming My Santa Clara Law Colleagues!

I’m thrilled that Profs. Ed Lee (currently at Chicago-Kent School of Law) and Zahr Said (currently at the University of Washington Law School) are joining the Santa Clara University School of Law faculty in Fall. As I said in the…

A Tribute to UC Berkeley Law Professor Pamela Samuelson

A Tribute to UC Berkeley Law Professor Pamela Samuelson

[These remarks are inspired by the Pamfest, a/k/a the “Symposium Celebrating Pamela Samuelson,” held at UC Berkeley on November 3. I was honored to attend alongside dozens of the world’s leading experts in copyrights (and other topics). We were all…