MacMillan on Internet Hunting

Robert MacMillan at the Washington Post weighs in on anti-Internet hunting laws. He reaches the sensible conclusion that “using a broadband connection to bag game isn’t any better or worse than doing it in person.” In the course of doing…

Unhappy Cows Aren’t Protected From Government Propaganda

The California Supreme Court denied certiorari in PETA’s lawsuit against the California Milk Producers Advisory Board over the marketing “Great cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows come from California.” As a result, it appears that the case is dead….

Congress Goes After

Rep. Davis has introduced an anti-Internet hunting bill to Congress. Rep. Davis said “Why should someone be able to point, click and kill?” Clearly, hunters should be required to point, pull trigger and kill. He continued “fair chase is a…

Gov. Doyle Threatens Veto of Cat-Hunting Proposal

Gov. Doyle has threatened to veto any proposal to legalize cat-hunting in Wisconsin, saying that the proposal “hold[s] us up as a state that everybody is kind of laughing at right now.” Some of us are still “laughing” at Wisconsin…

Cat-Hunting in Wisconsin

I’ve already blogged about Wisconsin’s efforts to ban Internet hunting because it’s not “real” hunting. Now Wisconsin is considering allowing hunters to hunt kitties. Is bagging Fluffy more consistent with hunting norms than Internet hunting?

More Fallout From

California is moving to pass a law against Internet hunting. According to Cal. Sen. Debra Bowen, “This isn’t hunting; it’s an inhumane, over the top, pay-per-view video game using live animals for target practice….Shooting live animals over the Internet takes…

Google AdSense Thinks This is a Site for Hunters

Google AdSense thinks this site is relevant to hunters. This is due to my prior post on the Wisconsin legislature’s efforts to regulate Internet hunting. I used the phrase “hunt,” “hunting” or hunter 12 times in that post. As a… and the Wisconsin Legislative Response

A few weeks ago I blogged about, a Texas-based website that is planning to allow a person to operate a real 30.06 gun on a platform to “hunt” animals. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, the operator of claims…

Silly story about The author claims that he will eat Toby, a little bunny, unless people chip in $50,000 by June 30, 2005. This threat isn’t all that weird, and it’s not even all that original. What’s weird that…

Hunting Technologies and Ethics

AP article on how states are regulating new hunting technologies. The lead item from the story: a website where hunters can control and fire a 30.06 by point-and-click. The article quotes Kirby Brown, executive director of the Texas Wildlife Association,…