My wife asked me to list the Ten Commandments, and I choked. I got 7 (or 6, depending on interpretation) right, but that’s not very good. I felt a little better when I checked the Wikipedia entry and saw the…
I’ve been doing more admissions work this year than I have in the past, and part of my sales pitch is to explain why students should look past the US News rankings. This WSJ article nails it: Keyan Rahimi-Keshari last…
What would you rather do–check with a lawyer, or hit yourself with a hammer? Funny.
It’s been a few years since I’ve eaten dairy ice cream regularly. (When I eat “ice cream” at home, usually it’s Double Rainbow Soy Cream). However, I do eat dairy ice cream occasionally when I’m out of the house, but…
New York Observer: “My Very Special Summer.” All the dirt on life as a summer associate in NYC. HT: WSJ Law Blog.
Mike Dillon, GC at Sun Microsystems, has a terrific post explaining a GC’s view of the litigation process. He offers 4 lessons: * Litigate only “when you have an important interest to protect” * Non-judicial resolutions are better than having…
Bill Henderson and Andrew Morriss wrote a terrific article for the American Lawyer blasting law schools for whining about US News rankings but failing to sponsor a useful alternative. They write: It is not reasonable to blame U.S. News for…
Judge Real has rejected the proposed settlement in the Bar/Bri antitrust lawsuit. The soap opera continues!
National Law Journal: “More job hopping at schools.” This year, there was a lot of faculty movement at highly ranked law schools–a circumstance this article attributes to (1) Harvard’s decision to bring in new blood and reduce faculty-student ratios, and…
A recap of all of my Israel trip-related posts: * Israel Tourist Destinations * Israel Trip Reflections * Israel Hotel reviews * Frommer’s Israel book review * Haifa University Search Engine Conference Recap