Where to Find Me Spring 2010
I’m on sabbatical in Spring 2010. Being on sabbatical has two main effects on my work schedule: (1) I am not teaching this semester, and (2) I have temporarily handed off my administrative duties to my colleague Tyler Ochoa (by far the biggest benefit of the sabbatical!). Otherwise, for the most part, my work schedule and location will be the same.
As part of preparing for my sabbatical, I have intentionally reduced my travel and speaking engagements in Spring. My current schedule of trips and public speaking gigs (I’m sure there will be others):
January 8-9: AALS, New Orleans. At minimum, I’ll be at the IP professors gathering on Friday night, the IP Section meeting on Saturday morning, and the Law & Computers section meeting (which I’ll be chairing–please come!) on Saturday afternoon. This is one of only two currently scheduled trips outside of the Bay Area for the semester, so I hope to catch you there.
January 28: FTC Privacy Roundtable, Berkeley
March 9, 6 pm: Jewish High Tech Community, Mountain View. I’ll present my reputation project to a non-lawyer audience. This event is open to the public for a nominal fee, so I hope you’ll consider coming.
April 8: I will be helping with Paul Ohm’s joint HTLI-CSTS-Markkula presentation at SCU on de-identification.
April 9-10: Copyright @300, Berkeley, cosponsored by the BCLT and HTLI. I don’t have a speaking/moderating role, but I will be around for at least part of the event. This should be a terrific conference, and I hope you can make it.
April 16-17: Chicago for a private gathering of trademark law professors.
May 11, noon: San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science as part of their colloquia series. I’ll be presenting on my reputation project again. I believe this event is open to the public, and the talk also will be podcast (and perhaps webcast?).
As always, let me know if you would like more details about an event or if you would like to meet up.