Kerr and Madison on Law Faculty Appointments

Orin Kerr is guest-blogging at Prawfsblawg and has promised to blog on the law faculty appointments process. This is a perennial favorite topic, and when I did a nine-part series on this topic in February and March (scroll down to…

What Happened to Toby the Rabbit?

You may remember the silly story of Toby, a cute bunny featured on the website The owners threatened to kill and eat Toby if they did not get $50,000 in donations by June 30. I’m sure you’re as shocked…

Optimal Organization of Blogs

Brian Leiter’s Leiter Reports is one of the most popular law professor blogs around. I’ve been a reader/subscriber for some time but always with mixed emotions. His blog contains the best gossip about the legal education community, but it is…

Like Serving Poodle Burgers at a Dog Show…

Karin Robertson, manager of PETA’s “Fish Empathy Project,” has asked the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA to stop serving fish in its cafeteria.. She claims “serving fish at an aquarium is like serving poodle burgers at a…

Life as a University In-House Counsel

Fascinating article in the Chronicle of Higher Education about life as an in-house university counsel. Among the legal issues that an in-house counsel encountered: · What should I do if an alligator hiding in an on-campus lake devours a poodle?…

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