Want to Save 1/2 Gallon of Gas a Day? Eat Vegetarian!

Audubon magazine ran a lengthy article on one of my favorite topics, how being vegetarian can help save the environment and reduce climate change more than other energy-reducing efforts. raising beef, pigs, sheep, chicken, and eggs is very, very energy…

Save the Date! Bay Area Blawgers 4.0, March 18, SCU

Please mark your calendar for March 18, 6 pm-8pm, for the fourth gathering of the Bay Area Blawgers. We’ll make a more formal announcement of the event soon. This event is open to everyone and there’s no admission charge, but…

Fish = Sea Kittens? Another Odd Campaign from PETA

Reflecting on the numerous times I’ve blogged about them, it’s clear that I have mixed emotions about the animal rights activist groups like PETA and the Humane Society. They have done a lot of important and laudable work, such as…

Technology & Marketing Law Blog a Finalist for Best Law Blog

I’ve been running two blogs for about 4 years now, and much of that time, the blogs have operated in relative obscurity. Don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful for the blog’s many readers, and I’m always amazed when…

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