Coachella Valley Preserve: Hiking Through Oases and Moon Country

Hikes in the Palm Springs area tend to come in three varieties: 1) Local hikes from the Valley floor up to a ridge. These hikes tend to be steep thighbusters but they usually reward fit hikers with nice views. 2)…

Social Media Photos Foil Yet Another Litigant–Clement v. Johnson’s Warehouse

Clement v. Johnson’s Warehouse Showroom, Inc., 2012 Ark. App. 17 (Jan. 4, 2012) In my long-running series of litigants saying one thing in court and another when talking to their friends online, consider this from a worker’s comp case after…

Revenge Blogger Ordered to Remove Blog–Johnson v. Arlotta

Johnson v. Arlotta, 2011 WL 6141651 (Minn. App. Ct. Dec. 12, 2011) Johnson and Arlotta dated. After the breakup, Johnson got a “harassment restraining order” (HRO) against Arlotta that: prohibited him from (1) committing any acts “intended to adversely affect…

Spring 2012 Travel/Presentation Schedule

Here’s a list of some of my anticipated upcoming events. For some reason, a higher-than-usual number of these upcoming events are still question marks. As usual, if I’m traveling to your neighborhood or we’re going to be at the same…

YouTube Video Impeaches Witness’ Credibility–Ensign Yacht v. Arrigoni

Ensign Yachts, Inc. v. Arrigoni, 2011 WL 5325174 (D. Conn. Nov. 2, 2011) Another entry in the annals of social media evidence undercutting a litigant’s testimony. This time, a YouTube video becomes the “gotcha”: Ross Sr.’s credibility was severely impeached…

Bloggers’ Sunshine Requests Get Less Respect Than Newspapers’–Paff v. Chatham

Paff v. Chatham, 2011 WL 5105477 (N.J. Super. A.D. Oct. 28, 2011) A blogger asked the city how long it suspended a rogue police officer. The city refused the blogger’s sunshine request. The court did too, saying as part of…

Facebook Entries Negate Car Crash Victims’ Physical Injury Claims

On the ever-popular subject of social media posts that belie the statements litigants make in court, consider Boudwin v. General Ins. Co. of America, 2011 WL 4433578 (La. App. Ct. Sept. 14, 2011). The litigation is the result of a…

Favorite Photos of the Past 3 Years

Lisa and I have posted over 400 photos to Flickr over the past 3 years. See goldmanlisa, Eric Goldman Mountain View and my newest account. I’ve gone back through them and selected some of my favorites. Family * Me in…

Northern California Staycation Notes

After my big trip to Russia earlier this summer, it made sense to keep our family vacation local. We spent 3 days in the Sierra Foothills, then I took a father-son overnight camping trip with Jacob to Angel Island, then…

Reflections on My Trip to St. Petersburg, Russia

[See my photo gallery for this trip.] For people who came of age during the Cold War (like me), the idea of taking a vacation to Russia is intimidating and surreal. For decades, I was propagandized that Russia was The…

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