Teaching Academy Chicago Publishers v. Cheever

At ContractsProf, I blogged on teaching the Academy Chicago Publishers v. Cheever case.

Are You Hot or Not?, Academic Style

Slate writes about RateMyProfessor.com, one of the several websites designed to capture student word-of-mouth about professors. As the article points out, one dominant theme emerges–students want professors who are hot. Fortunately, I’m not listed (yet) in RateMyProfessor.com, a status I’m…

Blogging at ContractsProf

I am going to blog occasionally at the ContractsProf blog. My first post is about teaching Stambovsky v. Ackley, the haunted house case.

US News Rankings and Mailbox Overflow

Academic reputation is a big component of US News rankings, but it’s hard to influence. The academic rankings are partially self-reinforcing–our perceptions of other schools are influenced in large part by what prior rankings said. To overcome this, many schools…

Bar/Bri Sued Again–Brewer v. West Publishing

Brewer v. West Publishing Co., No. 05-06211 (C.D. Cal. complaint filed Aug. 24, 2005). A second class-action antitrust lawsuit has been filed against Bar/Bri (the first was the Rodriguez case). The basic storyline tracks the Rodriguez complaint, but some tidbits…

Are All Law Professors Democrats?

The NYT runs a story about a forthcoming Georgetown Law Journal article assessing political contributions from law professors at 21 highly-ranked law schools. The findings: * 1/3 of these professors gave to political campaigns * “81 percent who contributed $200…

Update on Bar/Bri Antitrust Litigation

An American Lawyer story recaps the lawsuit and some of the developments. Lawschool.com reports that a motion to change venue was denied. UPDATE: The Daily Journal ran an article as well.

Lander on Adjunct Law Teaching

Despite all of the hoopla about full-time law teaching positions, there is significantly less attention paid to the process of being an adjunct professor. Fortunately, the Business Law Today ran a good basic article on adjunct law teaching by David…

Resources for New Law Students

It’s the season where bloggers gtve advice to new law students about how to prepare for the Big Event. I’m going to join this discussion but only for a limited purpose: to call attention to two wonderful resources put together…

NYLS “Certificate of Mastery in Law Practice Technology”

New York Law School is launching a certificate program for mastery of law practice technology (free registration required). Among the topics that students can study in the program include: “• Creation of a complex Web site or blog; • Electronic…

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