Chicago Tribune Lauds Milwaukee

As Christine points out, there’s something pretty radical about a Chicago paper lauding Milwaukee, as the Chicago Tribune did today (free registration required). Milwaukeeans have a love/hate relationship with Chicago. Milwaukeeans tend to have an inferiority complex but also disparage…

More About Football Season Tickets

A Milwaukee couple married for 57 years decides to legally separate. The only thing they can’t agree upon? Who gets the season tickets to Wisconsin Badgers football. (Answer: the judge set up a process to split the tickets). See my…

Travel Plans

Every Milwaukeean has their favorite time to escape the crummy weather. For some, it’s January and February when the weather is the coldest and the days are the darkest. For others, it’s March, when other places are experiencing Spring and…

Blogs With a Marquette Law Connection

There has been a recent proliferation of blogs with a connection to Marquette University Law School (I’ve noticed a spike in blog activity around final exam time–blogging is the quintessential way to procrastinate!). Here are the ones I know about:…

Bottom’s Up…

Milwaukee police conducted an unreasonable search and seizure by forcing a suspect to drink laxatives as a way of “revealing” a bag of heroin he swallowed.

Don’t Look in the Freezer

I’m not exactly sure why, but there seems to be something about storing dead people in freezers in Wisconsin. (Reminder about Dahmer).

Death by Poison or Hanging?

Wisconsin woman is convicted of felony theft. Judge gives her a choice: 90 days in jail or donate her Packers season tickets to charity for a year. Given the Packer obsession in Wisconsin, I honestly can’t predict which one she…

Marshmallow Peep Art

A Marquette Law student, Gia Pionek, runs the “Peep Show,” an annual exhibition of art made out of Marshmallow Peeps. A different student gave me one of her entries, an homage to Mondrian with yellow and pink rectangles (made out…

Gov. Doyle Threatens Veto of Cat-Hunting Proposal

Gov. Doyle has threatened to veto any proposal to legalize cat-hunting in Wisconsin, saying that the proposal “hold[s] us up as a state that everybody is kind of laughing at right now.” Some of us are still “laughing” at Wisconsin…

Cat-Hunting in Wisconsin

I’ve already blogged about Wisconsin’s efforts to ban Internet hunting because it’s not “real” hunting. Now Wisconsin is considering allowing hunters to hunt kitties. Is bagging Fluffy more consistent with hunting norms than Internet hunting?

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