Marquette Law Ranked #97 in 2007 US News Rankings
Marquette Law is back in the second tier of law school rankings after having dropped to the third tier last year. I’m shocked (massive sarcasm). See my prediction of this development from last April. Note my next prediction that Marquette…
Bay Area Blawgers Meetup Recap
IMHO, last night’s gathering of Bay Area Blawgers was a smashing success! The Crowd We had over 45 people show up at the event, exceeding our seating capacity! Typically, a fair number of lawyers who RSVP to an event don’t…
Bar/Bri Settlement Preliminarily Approved
Judge Real preliminarily approved the settlement in the Bar/Bri antitrust case.
Bay Area Blawgers Roster
I compiled a list of Bay Area Blawgers. I welcome any updates or corrections.
Blog It Forward
A new research study from Yale suggests that outgoing links, even to competitors, builds traffic. The argument goes: outgoing links can help a blog’s readers answer their informational needs, even if the content isn’t originated at the linking blog. Therefore,…
Lawyer Blogging Covered by Malpractice Insurance?
One underwriter (rightly or wrongly) says that lawyer blogging would void its malpractice insurance coverage. I suspect this is one of those early overreactions to theoretical risks by an insurance carrier, and the insurance industry will wise up after a…
Lawyer Billing Rates Rising Faster than Inflation
According to this article in the San Jose Business Journal, lawyers’ average hourly billing rates have grown faster than the rate of inflation for the past several years. This should hardly be surprising given the growth in lawyer compensation over…
My Highest Slinky–Stonerware Chronic Coil
I own a lot of unusual Slinky items, but this one rivals the bizarrest of them. Via eBay, I just bought a “Stonerware” item called “Chronic Coil,” which is a green-colored plastic slinky in the shape of a marijuana leaf….
Legislative Audiences for Law Review Articles
Cardozo Law School held an event entitled “Trends in Federal Judicial Citations and Law Review Articles” where 7 appellate judges and several law professors discussed the general decline in court citations to law review articles. The New York Lawyer writeup…
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Patent litigators are HOT! (free registration required)