Burger Wars Are Back–Introducing the Beer Barrel Main Event Charity Burger
In 2005, I had a series of posts about noteworthy burgers, including the 12.5 pound Zeus burger, the 15 pound Beer Barrel Belly Buster (only 10.5 pounds of beef) from Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub (see the photo), whale burgers and…
Internet Hunting Update
The AP updates the status of laws banning Internet hunting, a topic I blogged about extensively in 2005 and even wrote an editorial about. Encouraged by the Humane Society (on a roll with their regressive perspectives about Internet law), 25…
Ownership of Attorney Work Product
Copyright ownership of attorney work product is an under-discussed issues among attorneys. It raises a variety of complex issues, including who owns the copyright in the documents we prepare as attorneys and when do we infringe by recycling our work…
Concurring Opinions Guest Blog Posts
I’ve concluded my guest blogging stint at Concurring Opinions. A list of my posts there: * Best and Worst Internet Laws * Suggestions for Conference Organizers * Real Estate Appraisals and Copyrighting Facts * MySpace Sued for Facilitating Offline Sexual…
The Destruction of Young Lawyers
Douglas Litowitz is issuing a second edition of the book The Destruction of Young Lawyers. I haven’t read the book, but this interview with him lays out his basic thesis. He argues that 5 key attributes of the legal profession…
Blawgers Discussion Issues
I’m helping to organize a roundtable discussion for blawgers (scheduled for March 28, 6-8pm at SCU–please email me if you’re interested in coming). This got me thinking about topics I’d like to explore with other blawgers. My list: General *…
California Legislature’s Nanny-ism and the Scientific Method of Legislating
There are brewing concerns about the intrusiveness of the proposals floating around in the California legislature, sparked most visibly by the proposal to ban parental spanking of children. Some critics are calling some of these proposals “Nanny Bills” because they…
Sullivan & Cromwell Partnership Agreement
It’s relatively rare to get public access to a major law firm’s partnership agreement. Courtesy of a plaintiff, here is a copy of the 1994 Sullivan & Cromwell partnership agreement (starting on page 27) [warning: 3MB file]. I didn’t see…
My Own Slinky Store
Using a fun little tool called Zlio, I quickly created my own store to sell slinkies (also called magic springs and coil spring toys). I only have 5 products in it so far, but I get a lot of questions…
West/Kaplan Propose to Settle Bar/Bri Class Action
From Law.com: West and Kaplan are proposing to settling the antitrust lawsuit over Bar/Bri for a total of $49M, of which $37M would go to class members (the rest goes to attorneys), or about $125/class member. If class members really…