Death by Poison or Hanging?
Wisconsin woman is convicted of felony theft. Judge gives her a choice: 90 days in jail or donate her Packers season tickets to charity for a year. Given the Packer obsession in Wisconsin, I honestly can’t predict which one she…
Joint Author Agreements
Copyright law has some potentially unexpected surprises for co-authors. Co-authors usually have a “duty to account” to each other for revenues generated from the jointly-authored work. Co-authors may also have a duty not to “waste” the jointly owned asset (the…
New Jacob Photos
I’m running behind on maintaining Jacob’s photos, but I uploaded a bunch (with a video and some letters) to his website (new material under November 2004-January 2005).
De Novo Blog on Law Reviews
De Novo blog ran a “symposium” on law review membership (Should you apply? General or specialty? etc.). Days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. My contribution, with my typical cynicism and a small dose of optimism, is here.
MacMillan on Internet Hunting
Robert MacMillan at the Washington Post weighs in on anti-Internet hunting laws. He reaches the sensible conclusion that “using a broadband connection to bag game isn’t any better or worse than doing it in person.” In the course of doing…
Unhappy Cows Aren’t Protected From Government Propaganda
The California Supreme Court denied certiorari in PETA’s lawsuit against the California Milk Producers Advisory Board over the marketing “Great cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows come from California.” As a result, it appears that the case is dead….
Marshmallow Peep Art
A Marquette Law student, Gia Pionek, runs the “Peep Show,” an annual exhibition of art made out of Marshmallow Peeps. A different student gave me one of her entries, an homage to Mondrian with yellow and pink rectangles (made out…
Stealing Lawyer Gets 14 Years in Prison
Lawyer gets 14 year prison sentence for stealing $2M from clients, including low-income tenants suing a landlord over substandard living conditions and disabled infants whose parents filed medical malpractice suits.
In-House Lawyers in Cubicles
New York Law Journal (registration required) reports on in-house lawyers sitting in cubicles rather than offices, reporting on a survey finding that “7 percent of law departments use cubicles exclusively, another 16 percent have a mix of cubicles and offices…
From Academia to Practice
Relatively rare event: law professor wants to return to practice after 15 years of full-time teaching. Some career advice for him/her (registration required).