Persistent Telemarketer, and Now a Spammer
If I may, let me propose three rules for avoiding unnecessary trouble: 1) Never tick off a lawyer. They tend to be, you know, litigious by nature. 2) Never tick off a blogger. They tend to be very noisy about…
Wisconsin Diploma Privilege Ruling Comments–Wiesmueller v. Kosobucki
Today, the Seventh Circuit issued an opinion in Wiesmueller v. Kosobucki, written by Judge Posner. This lawsuit is a class-action challenge to Wisconsin’s diploma privilege, which allows graduates of UW Madison and Marquette to become lawyers in Wisconsin without taking…
Google Chrome–Some Comments and Requests for Help
I finally got fed up with Internet Explorer 7. The last straw was the fact that it was choking on Ajax-heavy websites. When I would have the combination of Gmail, Google Calendar and Facebook (or even a subset of these)…
Social Networking Sites and Blogs Talk Slides
I gave another talk today for PLI describing social networking sites and blogs. Even though it was for a lawyer audience, it was more fun than a typical CLE talk because it had no law. My talk slides.
Bay Area Blawgers 4.0 Recap
A couple of weeks ago, the High Tech Law Institute hosted the fourth gathering of Bay Area legal bloggers. About 20 bloggers and friends gathered on campus for a very spirited discussion. Attendees included Harry Boadwee, Cathy Gellis, Eric Goldman,…
Save the Date! Bay Area Blawgers 4.0, March 18, SCU
Please mark your calendar for March 18, 6 pm-8pm, for the fourth gathering of the Bay Area Blawgers. We’ll make a more formal announcement of the event soon. This event is open to everyone and there’s no admission charge, but…
Technology & Marketing Law Blog a Finalist for Best Law Blog
I’ve been running two blogs for about 4 years now, and much of that time, the blogs have operated in relative obscurity. Don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful for the blog’s many readers, and I’m always amazed when…
Blogging Lifecycles
I’ve been thinking about the lifecycle of blogging. This is prompted by my move from Bloglines to Google Reader, which (among other salutary benefits) has allowed me to add new blogs again after having repeatedly cut my blog subscriptions in…
Twitter Following Policy
I’ve been using Twitter more and more. It’s another reason why blogging at this blog has sagged in the past year. Some of the ideas I might have posted here are instead ending up at Twitter, which is quicker and…
Bye-Bye Bloglines, Hello Google Reader
I’ve used Bloglines as my RSS reader for almost 4 years. Bloglines has become an essential part of my daily routine. In general, whenever I log into the computer at work, I keep three windows open all the time–my school…