A Tribute to Prof. Don Polden (1948-2024)
I’m saddened by the death of my colleague, friend, and former supervisor, Prof. Donald (Don) Polden. Don was the dean that hired me as a tenure-track faculty at Santa Clara Law in 2006. I had been an adjunct instructor at…

In Memoriam: Prof. Dan Burk
I’m devastated to report that UC Irvine Law School professor Dan Burk has died. đź’” His death comes just days before an already-scheduled event to celebrate his life, which will now become an emotionally wrenching memorial. Dan was a brilliant…

IP/Tech Experts Ed Lee and Zahr Said Are Becoming My Santa Clara Law Colleagues!
I’m thrilled that Profs. Ed Lee (currently at Chicago-Kent School of Law) and Zahr Said (currently at the University of Washington Law School) are joining the Santa Clara University School of Law faculty in Fall. As I said in the…

Some Personal Good News: I Received a University-Wide Award for Curriculum Innovation
My colleague Dean Laura Norris and I recently received a university-wide award, the 2023 Brutocao Family Foundation Award for Curriculum Innovation. Video of the presentation (click on our names). This appears to be the first time that law faculty have…
Interview About Law Schools and LegalTech
[I’m continuing my efforts to clear my backlog of stuck blog post drafts. I completed this interview for a foreign magazine last year, but it never published the interview and may not be in business any more….]: Please tell us…

Santa Clara Law’s Programs Earn Honors from Bloomberg Law
Bloomberg Law launched an inaugural “Law School Innovation Program” award to recognize “pioneering educational innovations that benefit their students, their schools, and the legal field.” It’s a great honor to report that Santa Clara Law’s Privacy Law Certificate was recognized…
Why I’m Teaching Internet Law Online This Fall
[Santa Clara University gave me the option to teach online this semester instead of in the physical classroom, as I had been initially scheduled to do. I sent this note to the enrolled and waitlisted students explaining why I chose…
Observations from My First Time Teaching Online
In Fall 2020, I taught my Internet Law course online, using Zoom for synchronous sessions and Canvas as the course management software. I had taught Internet Law 23 times in physical space, but this was my first time teaching any…
My Interview About Law Students and Mentoring
[Introduction: I prepared this interview for Nyssa Chopra‘s “Mentor in Law” August 2020 newsletter. I encourage students to subscribe!] What subject(s) do you teach? I teach Internet Law, Intellectual Property, and Advertising Law. What is one myth you’d bust about…
Curriculum Proliferation [Repost from Concurring Opinions’ Archive]
[In 2007, I guest-blogged at the group law professor blog Concurring Opinions. With the demise of that blog, I am now archiving my guest posts on my own blog. This post first appeared on January 16, 2007.] As part of my…