Frommer’s Israel
My decision to join Epinions was motivated significantly by ideology. Simply put, I was sold that it was better to make decisions predicated on the collective wisdom of multiple trusted contributors than on the guidance of any single product reviewer….
Israel Tourist Destinations
During my Israel trip, I tried to squeeze in as many tourist destinations as possible. To avoid getting myself into unsafe situations, I didn’t travel independently. Instead, I generally took organized tours (such as those organized by Egged/United Travel). I…
Israel Hotel Reviews
While planning my trip to Israel, I found TripAdvisor somewhat helpful in assessing possible lodging destinations. So I decided to contribute two reviews of my own on the Cinema Hotel in Tel Aviv and the Christ Church Guest House in…

Slinky Factory Tour
I have many “life goals” I want to achieve before my time is up. Some of these are conceptual and hard to measure, such as–be a great father, husband and family member/friend and make a positive contribution to society. Others…
Travel Schedules of Law Professors
When I was in private practice, I rarely traveled for business. In my eight years as a lawyer, I can recall 5 trips to Dallas (all for the same client), a client trip to San Diego and a few presentations…
Frozen Airplane
When we flew to California last Monday, the thermometer read 1 degree. I guess one is better than none, but it was cold. [How cold was it, Eric?] It was so cold that our plane froze. As in, the airline…
It’s the Most Unpleasant Time of the Year
Traveling between the Midwest and New England during December means two unavoidable truths: 1) Weather delays 2) Non-stop piped-in Christmas tunes playing throughout every corner of the airports It makes for a very unpleasant combination!
Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy Putting Your Head in Someone Else’s Lap
I previously blogged about how airlines fail to consider the attention consumption consequences of their repeated communications with passengers. I had a great example of this on a flight this weekend. The flight left at 6:20 am, so all of…
I Am an Elite Frequent Flyer
Since the late 1980s, I’ve flown a few hundred of thousands of miles. However, I almost always pick an airline based on price/schedule instead of brand loyalty. As a result, I currently have a free ticket on a half-dozen different…
Airlines, Attention Consumption and Noise-Canceling Headphones
On almost every flight, I’m reminded of how airlines do not try to avoid unnecessary consumption of passengers’ attention. Some of this is the fault of the FAA, which requires various announcements and disclosures. Other consumptions presumably are attributable to…