A Teenager’s View of the Seattle Vegetarian Scene (Guest Blog Post)
[Eric’s introduction: today I’m turning the blog over to my 13 year old son for his first-ever guest blog post] In October, my dad and I took a short trip to Seattle. I had never been to Seattle before, so…
The Exciting Vegetarian Restaurant Scene in St Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg’s vegetarian scene has improved dramatically in the past 2 years. Russia is still not vegetarian-friendly, and Russian vegetarians have a lot of work remaining to overcome years of official anti-vegetarian socialization (see, e.g., this 2012 St. Petersburg Times…
Want Vegetarian Food or a Spinning Class in Cuba? Tough (Guest Blog Post by Lisa Goldman, Part 2 of 2)
[by guest blogger Lisa Goldman] [Eric’s note: in March 2013, Lisa and I visited Cuba. I have written several posts on the subject that I’ll be posting to my Tertium Quid blog and ultimately cross-posting here, probably in the next…
Wandering Buddha Restaurant, New Orleans
I dread going to New Orleans because it’s not a city for vegetarians. But, on my most recent trip there earlier this month, I was shocked to discover that The Wandering Buddha, an all-vegan restaurant, had opened up…serving Korean food…
Plant-Based Pizza, Willow Glen (San Jose)
Before Plant-Based Pizza opened in the Willow Glen district of San Jose in November, the Bay Area’s leading vegan pizza spot was Pizza Plaza, inconveniently located in Oakland. Now, we have a hometown option! In fact, with the November openings…
Recommended Vegetarian Cookbooks for New Vegetarians
by Guest Blogger Lisa Goldman [Eric’s note: I am occasionally asked for vegetarian cookbook recommendations by people who are becoming vegetarian or looking to eat less meat. Given that my cooking repertoire is quite limited and usually involves the microwave…
Veggie Grill Santana Row (San Jose): Opened November 8, 2012!
The Veggie Grill is an all-vegan restaurant chain that specializes in vegan “comfort food.” It’s got the kind of dishes you’d expect at an “American” restaurant–burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries, mashed potatoes, chili, etc.–but all veganized. The master chef behind the…
Northern California Staycation Notes
After my big trip to Russia earlier this summer, it made sense to keep our family vacation local. We spent 3 days in the Sierra Foothills, then I took a father-son overnight camping trip with Jacob to Angel Island, then…
Alternatives to a School Field Trip to In-and-Out Burger
You may recall that my son’s school took an official school field trip to In-and-Out Burger as part of their lessons on food distribution chains and economics. I sent a polite but pointed email to the school principal explaining why…
Thoughts About a Second Grade Official School Field Trip to In-N-Out Burger
[Introductory note: next week my son Jacob’s class is taking a school-sanctioned field trip to In-N-Out Burger during normal school hours. We have decided not to participate in that field trip. I sent the following email to the school principal…