Margaret A. Schilt, Is the Future of Legal Scholarship in the Blogosphere?, Legal Times, August 31, 2007. This is a good recap article on the state of law professor blogging. On a separate matter, check out the Legal Scholarship Blog….

My wife and I have been a little baffled by the newfound attention paid to global warming and reduced footprints following An Inconvenient Truth. As consumers, we have been encouraged to take a wide variety of steps that have relatively…

[This is part of my serialized materials from my talk on Ethical Issues in Contract Drafting and Negotiation] We focus so much on deal substance and style that we often lose sight of the problems that can arise at the…

[Note: this is a serialized component from my materials on Ethical Issues in Contract Drafting and Negotiation] In a transactional practice, procedural choices can substantively affect the ultimate deal. In particular, a poor procedural choice can lead to the loss…

New York Lawyer has a good article on the different ways that law firms handle the transparency of the amount paid to partners. At most firms, partners can learn what their peer partners earn (although, in some cases, this information…

I gave an updated presentation on Ethical Issues in Contract Drafting and Negotiation. I got some pushback from the audience on the “Negotiations–Telling the Truth” and backdating slides; and the anti-contact rule slides produced a near-meltdown! The latter is hardly…

As part of our orientation, the school arranged a lunch for incoming 1st years and judges/lawyers/professors. The agenda was to discuss professionalism with the incoming students, and we were prompted with a cheat sheet of questions. One question asked us…

From the WSJ: the battle to outlaw Internet hunting rages on. The Humane Society has boosted the number of outlawing states to 33, and along the way, gotten some bonus coverage, like California’s ban on “Internet fishing” (I’d love to…

There is a lingering perception that public law schools are cheaper than private law schools. First, the accuracy of this perception is hard to measure because of the extensive price discounting (in the form of scholarships) used by private law…

Gary Rivlin in the NYT has a terrific article entitled “In Silicon Valley, Millionaires Who Don’t Feel Rich.” The article discusses how a few million dollars of net worth doesn’t go as far as they used to, especially in the…