Powerful GQ article on military lawyers defending detainees at Guantánamo Bay. An excerpt: Which is why the commissions were designed to appear to be fair. The rules required each defendant to be provided a JAG officer who would be bound…
Many American lawyers are unhappy with their jobs–so much so that we sometimes think we have a monopoly on unhappy lawyers. But it turns out British lawyers are unhappy too, according to this Times of London article. The article lays…
Yesterday, I noted that some bloggers are making a surprising amount of money. Today, we learn that the money going into blogs is coming at the expense of the mainstream media covering technology issues.
A Wisconsin legislator who believes Wisconsin has too many lawyers is trying to eliminate the state subsidy to the University of Wisconsin Law School. The motion was added to the Assembly budget, but it’s likely to get washed out in…
BusinessWeek estimates the earnings of some top bloggers. Some bloggers are earning surprisingly large amounts of cash from blogging. I can assure you I’m not!
IP litigation–especially patent litigation–is hot, but I’ve been trying to figure out what’s causing the growth and whether it’s persistent. Jessie Seyfer at the Recorder provides one explanation for the discontinuous bump-up in patent litigation: private equity funds, tired of…
Judge Real approved the $49M settlement in the Bar/Bri antitrust litigation, but he rejected the incentive payments to the class representatives, instead telling the lawyers and the class representatives to work out the financial matters among themselves. So the settlement…
I have three main criteria for a great local hiking park: interesting enough to warrant multiple visits, reasonably quick to drive to, and no entry/parking fee. A number of parks along the 280 meet these criteria, but three stand out…
The National Law Journal runs a glowing article on how law students have gotten jobs/offers from blogging. This is great to hear, and done properly a blog can turn a law student into a superstar while still in school. But…
This semester I gave a take-home exam. Students had ample time to think about the exam and consult any source they wanted, so almost everyone properly identified and applied the applicable legal standards. This compares favorably with tightly-timed in-class exams…