[July 2009 Update: In response to the Seventh Circuit opinion, I’ve blogged more about the diploma privilege and Wiesmueller v. Kosobucki] Wisconsin is the only state that still allows graduates of in-state law schools to become lawyers without taking a…

I recently posted some initial thoughts about California living based on my first couple of weeks as a repatriated Californian. Some further observations from the past few weeks: * In Milwaukee, the local paper ran a traffic column once a…

An article in the Yale Law & Policy Review, Saving Toby: Extortion, Blackmail, and the Right to Destroy, discusses SaveToby.com, a perennial topic on this blog. The author argues that the law doesn’t adequately inhibit threats on a bunny’s life….

Apparently, judicial ethics in NY do not prevent a judge from carrying concealed weapons while on the bench. Let’s just hope the judge gets the right implement when reaching for the gavel, or else the judge may dispense some unexpectedly…

Goldman Sachs has filed a UDRP action with NAF for the domain goldmansex.com, which right now (according to the news reports–I haven’t confirmed…) provides links to strip clubs and escort agencies. I’m pretty skeptical that there’s a lot of confusion…

A website has been set up in the Rodriguez v. West case over BAR/BRI’s alleged monopolization of the Bar exam test preparation market. Affected class members can opt out of the class by following the instructions on the website. A…

Jeremy Blachman a/k/a “the Anonymous Lawyer” has a funny bit on silly bar exam rules. Rules like: gum is OK, but only if unwrapped (presumably, people could write very small cheat sheets on the wrapper). Jeremy’s conclusion:: A few final…

With our big move, we’ve been involved with more than our fair share of commerce recently. As a result, we’ve run into the inevitable but dreaded rebates. Rebates are very unpopular with consumers, and for good reason. They are a…

I’ve created a new category for this blog, “California Living.” This is the analogue to my “Life in Wisconsin” category, which I haven’t officially retired but isn’t likely to see a lot of posts. To kick off the new category,…

We arrived in California last week. It felt like I was returning to my ancestral homeland–which is ironic because I was actually born in Wisconsin (a little-known fact). My new contact information: Eric Goldman Santa Clara University School of Law…