Reflecting on a Pandemic Shutdown Year

[I prepared this statement for the Santa Clara University Library’s pandemic time-capsule.] Despite increasingly ominous news reports, work proceeded normally in January and February 2020. For example, in early February 2020, the law school held a major in-person conference called…

My Interview in the PLSO Newsletter

[I did this interview for the student newsletter produced by Santa Clara Law’s Privacy Law Student Organization (PLSO).] PLSO would like to congratulate our faculty advisor, Professor Eric Goldman, on his new role as Dean of Research here at Santa…

In Fall 2020, I taught my Internet Law course online, using Zoom for synchronous sessions and Canvas as the course management software. I had taught Internet Law 23 times in physical space, but this was my first time teaching any…

[Introduction: I prepared this interview for Nyssa Chopra‘s “Mentor in Law” August 2020 newsletter. I encourage students to subscribe!] What subject(s) do you teach? I teach Internet Law, Intellectual Property, and Advertising Law. What is one myth you’d bust about…

My Sister's Eulogy for Our Stepfather, Stuart M. Hauser (1928-2020)

[Intro: as I blogged last week, my stepfather Stuart Hauser died at age 92. On Thursday night, we held a virtual shiva service for him. My sister, Sandy Hirsh, made these remarks at the service:] One week ago today, my…

My Stepfather, Stuart Hauser (1928-2020), Has Died

My stepfather Stuart Hauser died yesterday at the age of 92. His body and mind steadily declined over the past decade and finally gave out. We miss him, but in this post, I want to celebrate his life. Stuart’s childhood…

The eBay In-House Legal Department's Remarkable Legacy of General Counsels

Over its quarter-century history, eBay has had numerous industry-defining legal accomplishments, including: the VeRO program as a supplement to the DMCA’s 512(c) safe harbor; the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in MercExchange v. eBay, which dramatically clipped the legal tools available…

LIMITED TIME OPPORTUNITY: Order a Customized Pet Portrait From My Daughter

Due to the COVID19 lockdown, my 14 year old daughter has some extra time available to do commissioned portraits. On the right is a commissioned portrait she did last year. You can see more examples of last year’s commissioned pet…

I am sharing a Spotify playlist about emojis that I prepared last summer. To prepare Spotify thematic playlists, I do keyword searches to assemble a super-set of candidate songs (in this case, I think it was over 400), and then…

Last month, I blogged about a bad experience with United Airlines. The short story: due to maintenance issues, United canceled our flight from Tel Aviv to San Francisco at 2am in the morning, triggering a cascade of failures. United had…