This is the third of a three part series about blogging based on my presentation at a Minnesota IP CLE in September. Today’s question: assuming that you want to get into blogging, how should you get started? I have a…

When Jacob was born, I built him a personal website for photos and the occasional video. I lovingly edited the photos to capture the best ones of the bunch and provided my summaries (sometimes with my attempt at wry humor)….

This is the second of a three part series about blogging based on my presentation at a Minnesota IP CLE last month. Today’s question: should I blog? The answer is purely based on cost-benefit. What does blogging cost, and what…

eBay Britain removed an auction offering the right to bag a specifically-identified “21 point farmed master stag,” which is probably a “semi-tame” deer. eBay responded to a complaint from an animal rights activist group about the auction, even though print…

Last month, I gave a talk at a Minnesota CLE program about law blogging (along with Marty Schwimmer of Trademark Blog and John Welch of TTABlog). We discussed some rather basic points, like: * what is a blog? (Answer: just…

Marianna Moss is a friend (as well as the wife of my colleague Scott). She and some of her colleagues are running an interesting blog about working mothers that I recommend you check out if you’re in the target audience….

A study reveals that “51% of journalists consult blogs for story ideas while 28% of them relied on blogs to provide them with day-to-day information,” numbers that are well above-average for blog usage by the general population. My own experience…

As a parent, my actions have the effect of modeling behavior for my 3 year old son. For example, my son requests his own section of the newspaper to read during breakfast because that’s what Daddy does. I’m cognizant of…

Mike Madison has undertaken the public service of providing a one-stop central repository for upcoming conferences and presentations by IP academics. The desperate need for this calendar was demonstrated by the multiple mid-air collisions of this weekend, when there were…

I previously blogged about how airlines fail to consider the attention consumption consequences of their repeated communications with passengers. I had a great example of this on a flight this weekend. The flight left at 6:20 am, so all of…