NY Lawyer [free registration required] runs an interesting article about the spread between a law firm’s highest paid and lowest paid partners. It shows that Baker & McKenzie has a spread of 35:1 (with some foreign partners at B&M earning…

In Fall 2004, the Riverwest Co-op Grocery & Café (733 E. Clarke St., Milwaukee, WI 53212, (414) 264-7933) quietly launched an all-vegetarian café next to its grocery store (which is located in the Riverwest district, an eclectic and somewhat dilapidated…

My colleague Scott Moss (a frequent commenter on this blog) has posted his latest article to SSRN on the employment-at-will doctrine called “Where There’s At-Will, There Are Many Ways: Redressing the Increasing Incoherence of Employment At-Will.” This article explains how…

Despite all of the hoopla about full-time law teaching positions, there is significantly less attention paid to the process of being an adjunct professor. Fortunately, the Business Law Today ran a good basic article on adjunct law teaching by David…

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly ran an interesting but cryptic story–unfortunately I couldn’t find any more info online, so I’m working from my hard copy writeup. Joseph Cloonan was in-house counsel. He was leaving the company’s employ for unclear reasons. The HR…

The eBay acquisition of Shopping.com cleared the Federal Trade Commission’s Hart-Scott-Rodino review. This probably isn’t all that surprising, but still it removes one potential snag.

A New Zealand restaurant offers “Mr. Ed is Dead,” a meal made from char-grilled horse steaks. The restaurant received a number of complaining calls that were “pretty lively and disgusting and not comforting for the staff.” Nevertheless, the restaurant sold…

It’s the season where bloggers gtve advice to new law students about how to prepare for the Big Event. I’m going to join this discussion but only for a limited purpose: to call attention to two wonderful resources put together…

Orin Kerr is guest-blogging at Prawfsblawg and has promised to blog on the law faculty appointments process. This is a perennial favorite topic, and when I did a nine-part series on this topic in February and March (scroll down to…

You may remember the silly story of Toby, a cute bunny featured on the website SaveToby.com. The owners threatened to kill and eat Toby if they did not get $50,000 in donations by June 30. I’m sure you’re as shocked…