This story made me laugh out loud. A Kentucky radio station WLTO-102.5 FM announces a contest where the prize is “100 grand” to the 10th caller. A woman, Norreasha Gill, listens to the show, is the 10th caller and is…
As Christine points out, there’s something pretty radical about a Chicago paper lauding Milwaukee, as the Chicago Tribune did today (free registration required). Milwaukeeans have a love/hate relationship with Chicago. Milwaukeeans tend to have an inferiority complex but also disparage…
On my recent travels, I found that many hotels are now offering Internet access for free–not the high end hotels, where they charge for everything, but the 2-3 star hotels that need some marketing hook to pack the rooms. I…
Richard Phillips, a London lawyer at Baker & McKenzie, shakes down his secretary Jenny Amner (who is grieving because she just lost her mother) for an $8 dry cleaning bill because she accidentally spilled ketchup on his pants. Her response?…
In late May, the plaintiffs have amended their complaint in the Bar/Bri antitrust lawsuit. Among the new allegations, the complaint alleges that Bar/Bri paid off Louisiana State University to shut down its independent bar preparation course.
A George Mason law student develops a migrane during an exam. The proctors refuse her request for additional time. After more back-and-forth with the school, the student claims to suffer “intractable migraine syndrome” and sues for discrimination and retaliation. The…
A Milwaukee couple married for 57 years decides to legally separate. The only thing they can’t agree upon? Who gets the season tickets to Wisconsin Badgers football. (Answer: the judge set up a process to split the tickets). See my…
Red Herring is reporting that some motions to dismiss (with leaves to amend) were granted in Ravikant v. Tolia. Previous coverage.
Interesting. Forbes (this is the best of the early articles). NY Times article. AP Story. Story. I’m sure we’ll hear more about the strategic implications of the deal over the next few days. UPDATE: Text of letter from eBay…
PETA has “spies” who get jobs at companies that might be engaging in animal abuse so that they may document the company’s behavior. On the face of it, this seems to put the employee/spy in a potentially illegal position, as…