BusinessWeek runs an AP story on the Ravikant v. Tolia lawsuit over the Epinions-DealTime merger. Defendants’ motion to dismiss is scheduled for May 24.

This web page allows you to calculate your schedule based on your law firm’s billable hour targets. However, the script is inherently defective because it only computes hours for Monday-Friday! Um, designer, what about the weekend??? Make sure you don’t…

There has been a recent proliferation of blogs with a connection to Marquette University Law School (I’ve noticed a spike in blog activity around final exam time–blogging is the quintessential way to procrastinate!). Here are the ones I know about:…

Milwaukee police conducted an unreasonable search and seizure by forcing a suspect to drink laxatives as a way of “revealing” a bag of heroin he swallowed.

3 gentlemen (weighing a combined total of 910 pounds!) ate a 12.5 pound “Zeus” burger from Clinton Station Diner in a little over an hour. Still no announcement that anyone has conquered the Beer Barrel Belly Buster.

The Washington Post runs an update on and the immense legislative response to shut down the website. Meanwhile, due to the apparent magnitude and time-criticalness of the problem, the California Fish & Game Department is rushing to prepare ”emergency”…

At Legal Ethics Forum, Prof. James Fischer of Southwestern speculates why students don’t respect their Legal Ethics course. He rejects the traditional rationales such as “(1) students lack real world experience; (2) the course is just a bunch of rules… reports on a comprehensive survey of law students. Among the findings were that “63 percent of students said they received scant support in job placement.” I am surprised that the number is so low; I could have seen this…

Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, PA is now offering a 15 pound burger (only 10.5 pounds are actually beef). Says one patron who tried to unsuccessfully tried to consume the entire burger with 3 buddies, “It’s like trying to…

AsSense has now gone 180 degrees with my ads. Having had hunting ads for several days (which did pretty well clickthrough-wise, FWIW), today I’m seeing the following ads on my site: One-stop vegan shopping Hundreds of cruelty-free products Shoes, food,…