a/k/a “Hotel Reject.” MSNBC runs a story on what happens to reality TV contestants when they get ousted from the show. Meanwhile, Loser Island sounds a little like where I spent my high school years…
My colleague Christine Hurt wrote a column in the Chronicle of Higher Education about her experiences teaching torts. She describes how she led the class in thinking through various harms that people suffer and how the legal system values those…
Every Milwaukeean has their favorite time to escape the crummy weather. For some, it’s January and February when the weather is the coldest and the days are the darkest. For others, it’s March, when other places are experiencing Spring and…
It’s a little hard to take this seriously, but I’ve been unable to confirm if it’s a joke/cheap publicity stunt. A Dartmouth Business School student is planning to offer tofu designed to taste like human flesh. Initially the website will…
My buddy Dan, a graduating 3L from Georgetown (congrats, Dan!), asks a tough question: If a grateful student wants to get a professor a gift, what is appropriate? It’s hard to answer this question because I have some obvious self-interest!…
A couple of new articles on the Bar/Bri antitrust lawsuit, Rodriguez v. West Publishing Corporation, CV05-3222 (C.D. Cal. complaint filed April 28, 2005). The National Law Journal writes a brief recap (registration may be required). The ABA Journal eReport runs…
BusinessWeek runs an AP story on the Ravikant v. Tolia lawsuit over the Epinions-DealTime merger. Defendants’ motion to dismiss is scheduled for May 24.
This web page allows you to calculate your schedule based on your law firm’s billable hour targets. However, the script is inherently defective because it only computes hours for Monday-Friday! Um, designer, what about the weekend??? Make sure you don’t…
There has been a recent proliferation of blogs with a connection to Marquette University Law School (I’ve noticed a spike in blog activity around final exam time–blogging is the quintessential way to procrastinate!). Here are the ones I know about:…
Milwaukee police conducted an unreasonable search and seizure by forcing a suspect to drink laxatives as a way of “revealing” a bag of heroin he swallowed.