Spring 2013 Travel and Speaking Schedule

Here’s my tentative upcoming travel and speaking schedule for next semester. As usual, if I’m going to be in your neighborhood and you want to connect, let me know. * January 5-7: AALS Annual Meeting, New Orleans. I’m speaking at…

Disability Leave Foiled By Facebook Photos–Jaszczyszyn v. Advantage Health

Jaszczyszyn v. Advantage Health Physician Network, 2012 WL 5416616 (6th Cir. Nov. 7, 2012) Another entry in the ever-popular series of litigants foiled by social media evidence. Sara Jaszczyszyn (an even more impressive name than Balasubramani…is this her?) took FMLA…

Veggie Grill Santana Row (San Jose): Opened November 8, 2012!

The Veggie Grill is an all-vegan restaurant chain that specializes in vegan “comfort food.” It’s got the kind of dishes you’d expect at an “American” restaurant–burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries, mashed potatoes, chili, etc.–but all veganized. The master chef behind the…

Reflections on My Trip to Romania

When I told people I was going to Romania, I got a range of responses. Some folks questioned why I’d want to go there, implicitly viewing it as a second-tier tourist destination, or expressing concern about my personal safety. Oher…

Bad PR Pitch to Blogger #852, This Time by netTALK

As a long-time blogger, I get pitches from press relations folks all of the time. Many times the pitches are not very well tailored. Instead, it seems like the PR rep gathers up a list of random bloggers’ emails addresses…

Plaintiff’s Claims to Be “Bedridden” and “Vegetative” Rebutted by Facebook Evidence–Cajamarca v. Regal Entertainment

Cajamarca v. Regal Entertainment Group, 2012 WL 3782437 (E.D.N.Y. August 31, 2012) Yet another entry in the running series of litigants getting ensnared by contrary evidence on social media. The underlying case involved a “break room incident.” The plaintiff alleged…

Facebook Jokes About “Naked Twister” Could Undermine Sex Discrimination Claim–Targonski v. Oak Ridge

Targonski v. City of Oak Ridge, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 99693 (E.D. Tenn. July 18, 2012). The EEOC complaint. The latest entry in the ever-popular annals of social media evidence potentially undermining a litigant’s judicial posture. In this case, Targonski…

“Island Hopping in the California Channel Islands” Tour Recap

In May, I took a 3 day boat tour of the California Channel Islands through the Sierra Club. The boat, the “Truth,” left from the Santa Barbara harbor and visited four of the northern Channel Islands: Santa Cruz Island, Anacapa…

Pursuing a Career in Advertising Law

This post discusses how law students might pursue a career in advertising law. Immediately after law school, the two most likely advertising law job options are: 1) a position at a private law firm that has an advertising law department….

I’ve Posted My Applications for Tenure and Promotion

I’m not sure exactly why, but professors rarely publicly post their tenure applications or promotion applications. Google searches will yield few examples, and usually the applications are not even shared within the school (for example, assistant professors drafting their own…

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