Lubet on Law School Exams

Professor Steven Lubet raises some provocative questions about law school exams. After recounting a story about how Chinese students chose to deal with a closed-book exam through brute force memorization (despite professor entreaties not to do so), Lubet asks the…

Computer Law Association Writing Competition

The Computer Law Association, in association with the Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review, is holding its annual writing competition to recognize papers on information technology law topics. Papers need to be sent by April 30, 2005 and received by May…

More on

Another critique of the site with some warnings about scams and misleading site text. My earlier post. (Thanks to Politech for the reference).

Law Teaching Careers–PART IV

This is the fourth of a five-part series on law teaching as a career, prompted by an email interview I had with a reporter. See Parts I, II and III. 4) What should students do to prepare themselves for a…

Law Teaching Careers–PART III

This is the third of five posts on the topic of law teaching careers, prompted by an email interview I had with a reporter. See Parts I and II. 3) Are the publish or perish pressures worse than in firms?…

Free Credit Reports

Today is the first day Midwesterners can get their free credit reports from Generally, I think this is a terrific idea. Credit reports have a significant impact on us and it’s always fascinating to see what they remember. Credit…

Law Teaching Careers–PART II

This is the second of a five part series of posts about law teaching careers. See Part I. This series was instigated by an email interview I had on the subject. Today, I deal with the second of the reporter’s…

Generation Y Attorneys article on Generation Y attorneys. It remains to be seen how strongly Gen Y attorneys affect large law firms. Based on my interactions with my Gen Y students, I do sense a small revolt against certain norms associated with…

Law Teaching Careers–PART I

I find it interesting how many people are interested in law teaching as a career, and how many law professors have espoused their views on this subject. I have contributed to this discussion in part with some thoughts already. With…

GQ Article on Google, and the Challenge of Boy Entrepreneurs

GQ article on Google by John Heilemann. This article has a ton of great behind-the-scenes stories about Google and the Silicon Valley VC community generally. My favorite dirt was the story about Larry sitting in a plate of crème fraîche…

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