Dzienkowski on Law Professor Ethics When Circulating Articles

John Dzienkowski made a provocative post about law professor ethics when circulating articles to law reviews. This topic came up at a conference I attended last summer, and I was surprised how few professors wanted to have an open discussion…

Experienced Lawyers and Law Teaching Careers–PART II

This is the second of a four part series about experienced lawyers seeking a law teaching career. This series is a follow-on series to my previous five part series about law teaching generally. You can find the previous posts here….

Experienced Lawyers and Law Teaching Careers–PART I

This is the first of a four part series on experienced lawyers and law teaching careers, prompted by my email interview with Anayat Durrani for a article. This four part series follows on my earlier five part series about…

Continued Blawgswarm on Law Teaching Careers

Anayat Durrani released her article on law teaching careers at, quoting (among others) Solum, Wendel and myself. Her email interview with me for this story prompted my five-part series on law teaching careers from a couple of weeks ago,…

More on Virtual Worlds Paper

Neal Stewart writes a lengthy and interesting critique of my draft paper on virtual worlds. Good reading for a discussion about the complex issues that need to be balanced when a private actor restricts speech.

Follow-up on Law Teaching Careers and Credentials

Last week I wrote a series of postings about law teaching as a career. (You can find the series, and some other topics, here). This, along with an independent post by David Bernstein, led to a small blawgswarm on the…

Law Teaching Careers–PART V

This is the fifth of a five part series on law teaching as a career, which was prompted by an email interview I had with a reporter. See Parts I, II, III and IV. Next week, I will discuss some…

Law Teaching Careers–PART IV

This is the fourth of a five-part series on law teaching as a career, prompted by an email interview I had with a reporter. See Parts I, II and III. 4) What should students do to prepare themselves for a…

Law Teaching Careers–PART III

This is the third of five posts on the topic of law teaching careers, prompted by an email interview I had with a reporter. See Parts I and II. 3) Are the publish or perish pressures worse than in firms?…

Law Teaching Careers–PART II

This is the second of a five part series of posts about law teaching careers. See Part I. This series was instigated by an email interview I had on the subject. Today, I deal with the second of the reporter’s…

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