The New York Times has an expose on the efforts of beef manufacturers to come up with new fancy brand names for cow parts to increase consumer demand for beef. The article starts out: the nation’s 800,000 cattle ranchers began…

Last week, I went to a lunchtime student-oriented talk by Gordon Davidson, chair of Silicon Valley firm Fenwick & West, on the topic of “The Art of Being a Business Lawyer and the Changing Business of Law.” Gordy laid out…

I got an email from a graduating student telling me that his law firm had asked incoming associates to volunteer to defer their start dates for a year. This is an unfortunate situation, and naturally it produces significant stress and…

I gave another talk today for PLI describing social networking sites and blogs. Even though it was for a lawyer audience, it was more fun than a typical CLE talk because it had no law. My talk slides.

A couple of weeks ago, the High Tech Law Institute hosted the fourth gathering of Bay Area legal bloggers. About 20 bloggers and friends gathered on campus for a very spirited discussion. Attendees included Harry Boadwee, Cathy Gellis, Eric Goldman,…

For April Fool’s Day, Lisa thought it would be fun to do a one-hit wonders spinning mix. I must say, it was fun to put together. Obviously, the heavy emphasis on 80s music was unavoidable. The mix: 1. Turning Japanese…

When I became a new law professor, I did a little research and tried to assemble articles addressed to me–the new law professor. The stack has been sitting locked away in boxes now for a while, so rather than continue…

Today’s post continues this blog’s running theme on the crazy meats that people eat. I’ve blogged before on whale burgers, horse steaks, and insanely large burgers. The latest entry in this category: squirrel. The New York Times ran a lengthy…

Audubon magazine ran a lengthy article on one of my favorite topics, how being vegetarian can help save the environment and reduce climate change more than other energy-reducing efforts. raising beef, pigs, sheep, chicken, and eggs is very, very energy…

Please mark your calendar for March 18, 6 pm-8pm, for the fourth gathering of the Bay Area Blawgers. We’ll make a more formal announcement of the event soon. This event is open to everyone and there’s no admission charge, but…

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