My next big paper is titled “A Coasean Analysis of Marketing.” An earlier draft was titled “A Coasian Analysis of Marketing,” but then I got nervous that Coasian was not correct. So I asked my buddy Scott, who teaches Law…

I get a surprising and steadily increasing flow of emails related to my blogs. Just today, I got the following emails: * an email from an attorney working on a case I blogged about, wanting to clarify the case. I…

I previously blogged on the top 50 finalists for the title of “Gems of Milwaukee,” a publicity event run by the Milwaukee Press Club. The top 10 winners have been announced: 1. Summerfest Summerfest is an impressive event. The organizers…

My colleague Jason Czarnezki has written a paper entitled Shifting Science, Considered Costs, and Static Statues: The Interpretation of Expansive Legislation where he argues that federal statutory language should be broadly interpreted. This struck me as a wacky argument as…

Carol M. Langford, Depression, Substance Abuse, and Intellectual Property Lawyers, 53 U. Kan. L. Rev. 875 (2005) This article contains the results of an attitudinal survey of IP lawyers. Like any survey, this survey is only as good as its…

40 lightly-edited photos, virtually all featuring Jaoob or Dina, from our recent trip to California to visit family and friends.

I reviewed a recent report called Public RelationSHIPS: Communications in the Age of Personal Media. The methodology is a little suspect because people self-selected to participate, but a few interesting tidbits from the survey: Why do bloggers blog? According to…

In connection with Milwaukee’s imminent 160th birthday, some civic leaders ran a poll to determine the “Gems of Milwaukee.” The standard seems a little amorphous–what makes something a “gem”? The website doesn’t clarify the standard, but it does provide a…

Atlanta is one of my least-favorite big cities to visit because of the paucity of vegetarian options. Even food that ought to be vegetarian is usually spiked with meat. Not infrequently, I’ll hear from restaurant servers comments like “Yes, [X]…

You may recall the pathetic tale of I blogged on it previously here and here. A short recap: two uproariously funny dudes threatened to eat cute Toby the Rabbit unless we do what they want–initially, pay $50,000 by June…

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