I’ve previously noted that contract drafting attorneys aren’t done when their contracts are signed because post-signing activities can dictate whether a well-drafted contract works as intended. Specifically, important dates related to the contract need to be calendared in a reliable…

Slate’s Green Lantern compares the environmental impact of drinking soy milk v. cow’s milk. The conclusion: “soy is the somewhat more eco-conscious choice,” a conclusion reached somewhat reluctantly because soy milk is so much more processed than cow’s milk.

[Cross-posted to the Technology & Marketing Law Blog] As part of the recent St. Louis University Law Journal’s issue on Teaching Intellectual Property Law, I published a short article entitled “Teaching Cyberlaw.” The abstract: “Over the past dozen years, Cyberlaw…

David Lander, Are Adjuncts a Benefit or a Detriment?, 33 U. Dayton L. Rev. 285 (2008). This article looks at the pros and cons of staffing a course with an adjunct vs. full-time faculty and some ways to get the…

Recently, I have proliferated the online venues where I am publishing content. This blog post enumerates all of the various places I hang out online: Technology & Marketing Law Blog. This is my main ongoing publication outlet. I try to…

The Ah, Rose Marie Bed & Breakfast is a seven-room B&B in downtown Fairbanks, Alaska. I spent 3 nights there in June 2008 before and after my Hulahula River rafting vacation. My buddy and I picked the Ah, Rose Marie…

After literally traveling to the end of the earth on my last vacation (Kaktovik, Alaska), my next few vacations probably will be closer to home. On that topic, the Mercury News ran a special feature this weekend on Santa Clara…

I’ve repeatedly complained that the talk about global warming and environmentalism has been oddly silent about vegetarianism as an option, even though it’s one of the single most effective ways to reduce carbon footprint. As more evidence of this, see…

San Jose Airport is now offering free ad-supported wireless Internet access to airport travelers. Hooray! The odd thing is that they still offer paid subscription connectivity as well. Hmm–wonder how well that will work? I’ve been avoiding SJC due to…

At Epinions, I posted a glowing review of the Therm-a-rest Compressible Pillow, one of the many gear items I procured as part of my Hulahula River rafting trip and one of the best investments I made for the trip. Check…