Another email exchange has emerged in the HP pretexting investigation, this time between HP’s “Chief Ethics Officer” (CEthO) and a line manager from January 30: CEthO: “How does [the PI] get cell and home phone records? Is it all above…
How much do law professors hate the USNWR law school rankings? So much that at the big annual meeting for law professors, an entire day-long workshop has been organized on the “ratings game,” including panels with descriptions like: “In this…
From the Chronicle of Higher Education: Robert L. Schrag, a communications professor at North Carolina State University, recorded his classroom lectures and offered them for sale on a website for $2.50 each. There wasn’t a great market for them (only…
By Eric Goldman The Washington Post runs an article entitled Silicon Valley’s Golden Past Tarnished by Latest Probes, a retrospective/catch-up on the evolution of Silicon Valley ethics, with quick stops in round-tripping, stock option backdating and the HP scandal. As…
From an AP story: The Green Bay Packers haven’t been shut out in 233 games. Brett Favre hasn’t been shut out in his 16 year career. So it seems like a safe bet that the (sometimes hapless) Chicago Bears aren’t…
As academics, it’s not often that we get our hands on a real email exchange between attorney and client that we can use for pedagogical purposes. Fortunately, the WSJ has republished the email exchange between Larry Sonsini and Tom Perkins…
It turns out that Santa Clara University has a strong women’s soccer team. The San Jose Mercury News ran a lengthy story on its successes–the women’s soccer team “has reached the national semifinals 10 times, won an NCAA title, visited…
Hard to believe it, but Dina turned 1. I’m sorry to say that I’ve been remiss about disseminating photos of her. I feel guilty for succumbing to second child syndrome. Despite that, if you want the latest poorly edited photo…
Lisa and I took a quick 18 hour get-a-way to San Francisco this weekend. This finally gave us time to check out the Farmer’s Market at the Ferry Building, reputed to be one of the best in the country. It…
Forget stock option backdating; the real emerging scandal is big law firm billing practices. In the past month, we’ve had public scrutiny of the billing practices at old-line white-shoe NY firm Wilkie Farr, DC/Boston powerhouse WilmerHale and now the latest–1200…