Blawgers Discussion Issues

I’m helping to organize a roundtable discussion for blawgers (scheduled for March 28, 6-8pm at SCU–please email me if you’re interested in coming). This got me thinking about topics I’d like to explore with other blawgers. My list: General *…

Guest Blogging at Concurring Opinions

I’m guest blogging this month at Concurring Opinions. You can find my posts here.

Comment Spam Avalanche

Back to the comment spam issue. I recalibrated the settings in Movable Type and opened up comments in April. Unbeknowst to me (and contrary to my configurations), MT put all of the comments in a moderation queue that wasn’t obvious…

Vanity Monitoring Tools

At the Bloggership conference, a few of us discussed tools to track citations to our blogs or articles. It quickly became apparent that I ranked high on the vanity-o-meter due to my extensive knowledge on this topic. So, at the…

I Know Nothing About Bar/Bri!

Regular readers may recall that I’ve occasionally blogged about the Bar/Bri antitrust lawsuits. See, e.g., here and here and here and here. (And, FWIW, there’s now another one: Park v. Thomson Corp. in the SDNY). I was also quoted in…

Co-Blogging Law Paper

If you’re interested in blog law, you might check out my paper called “Co-Blogging Law.” In it, I discuss the legal implications of joint/group blogging and guest blogging. I wrote this paper for the Bloggership Symposium at Harvard Law School;…

Baby Blogs

It appears that the new status symbol for moms is a baby blog. Two examples from our friends Alex and Lara and Erin and Josh. My wife reads them regularly. But she doesn’t read my blogs, which (I must confess)…

New Blog: Empirical Legal Studies

Congratulations to my colleague Jason Czarnezki on the launch of his new blog, the Empirical Legal Studies blog. According to its first post, “the ELS blog will advance productive and interdisciplinary discourse among empirical legal scholars.” Good luck!

Bloggers Get a Lot of Emails

I get a surprising and steadily increasing flow of emails related to my blogs. Just today, I got the following emails: * an email from an attorney working on a case I blogged about, wanting to clarify the case. I…

Edelman/Technorati Blogging Study

I reviewed a recent report called Public RelationSHIPS: Communications in the Age of Personal Media. The methodology is a little suspect because people self-selected to participate, but a few interesting tidbits from the survey: Why do bloggers blog? According to…

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