I’ve Been Bobble-ized…And You Can Win “Me”
When I directed the High Tech Law Institute, slinkies were my schwag of choice. With the peaceful transition of HTLI leadership to Brian Love, our schwag of choice changed to…bobbleheads. Two years ago, the HTLI produced a bobblehead of Federal…

Slinky Interview for Hsu Untied
Last summer, I interviewed with Richard Hsu, a partner at Shearman & Sterling, as part of his series of interviews about lawyers with unusual hobbies. Naturally, we discussed my love for slinkies. Listen to the interview. The Recorder recently interviewed…
Betty James, RIP
Betty James, wife of the Slinky inventor and president of the Slinky company for four decades, died last week. I didn’t get a chance to meet her (although I do have a slinky with her autograph, given to me by…
Slinky Birthday Cake
I’m celebrating a big birthday this year. For the kids’ birthdays, Lisa has been making neat cakes from the Coolest Birthday Cakes website such as a schoolbus cake, a Curious George cake and a Very Hungry Caterpillar cake. (See my…
My Highest Slinky–Stonerware Chronic Coil
I own a lot of unusual Slinky items, but this one rivals the bizarrest of them. Via eBay, I just bought a “Stonerware” item called “Chronic Coil,” which is a green-colored plastic slinky in the shape of a marijuana leaf….
My Own Slinky Store
Using a fun little tool called Zlio, I quickly created my own store to sell slinkies (also called magic springs and coil spring toys). I only have 5 products in it so far, but I get a lot of questions…
Everyone Loves a Slinky
I haven’t had the chance to mine YouTube for good nostalgia, but on further reflection it seems obvious that the slinky commercial already would be posted there.

Slinky Factory Tour
I have many “life goals” I want to achieve before my time is up. Some of these are conceptual and hard to measure, such as–be a great father, husband and family member/friend and make a positive contribution to society. Others…
Slinky Manufacturing Article
I don’t know how I missed this article when it first came out in 2002. The article describes the Slinky manufacturing, distribution and retailing process, beginning with the processing of scrap metal at a junked car lot in Florida and…
Slinky Ringtones
I don’t get the ringtone phenomenon. I’m not a big fan of cellphones generally (I got my very first cellphone ever in August, and I’ve used it less than 20 minutes since then), and I don’t care what the ring…