Check Out the New Blog Design!

By Eric Goldman Over the weekend, we converted the blog from Movable Type to WordPress.  If you haven’t had a chance to check out the new page layout, I encourage you to do so.  You can see the difference by comparing, which…

Some Exciting Changes to the Blog–PLEASE READ

[Cross-posted from the Technology & Marketing Law Blog] I don’t often make purely administrative posts, so let me start by thanking you for reading the blog. Whether you’re a long-time reader or a relative newcomer, it means a lot to…

Self-Publishing A Legal Casebook: An Ebook Success Story (Forbes Cross-Post)

I co-authored a casebook on Advertising and Marketing Law with Prof. Rebecca Tushnet of Georgetown Law. Last July, we self-published the casebook as an ebook via Scribd and Gumroad. Drawing on the past 14 months of data, this post explains…

Reflections From My Trip to Cuba

In March 2013, my wife and I spent a week in Cuba. I blogged some of my observations about the trip in a three-part series at Forbes: * Part 1: Havana, Cuba And The Dead Hand Of The Municipal Planner…

Are the Days of Independent Legal Blogging Over?

[UPDATE: Maybe the headline is throwing folks off, so let me reiterate my key question: has there been any noteworthy legal blog started since 2010 that isn’t attached to a big law firm? Also, if you read to the end,…

Fall 2013 Speaking and Travel Schedule

My current travel and speaking plans for the rest of 2013. As usual, if I’m going to be in your neighborhood and you’d like to visit, let me know. * sometime in July. I’m headed to the Portland, Maine area….

More Reflections on Visiting St. Petersburg, Russia

In May 2013, I went to St. Petersburg, Russia for the second time in three years. In 2011, I spoke at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a business-oriented event that focused heavily on natural resource extraction in Siberia but…

The Exciting Vegetarian Restaurant Scene in St Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg’s vegetarian scene has improved dramatically in the past 2 years. Russia is still not vegetarian-friendly, and Russian vegetarians have a lot of work remaining to overcome years of official anti-vegetarian socialization (see, e.g., this 2012 St. Petersburg Times…

Want Vegetarian Food or a Spinning Class in Cuba? Tough (Guest Blog Post by Lisa Goldman, Part 2 of 2)

[by guest blogger Lisa Goldman] [Eric’s note: in March 2013, Lisa and I visited Cuba. I have written several posts on the subject that I’ll be posting to my Tertium Quid blog and ultimately cross-posting here, probably in the next…

Reflections on Visiting Cuba (Guest Post by Lisa Goldman)

By guest blogger Lisa Goldman [Eric’s note: in March 2013, Lisa and I visited Cuba. I have written several posts on the subject that I’ll be posting to my Tertium Quid blog and ultimately cross-posting here, probably in the next…

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